Saturday, January 2, 2010

Day 2 - Bird of Paradise

Day 2 - Bird of Paradise, originally uploaded by Brina1300.

This majestic flower stands guard over my mother's home. Strong, proud and elegant much like my mom. She is the one I would look to as a role model. A wife and mother of 4 who worked full time decided to go to college to better herself. She dropped out of high school at the age of 16 when her school was closed due to rioting during the Brown vs. the Board of Education case. She married and started her adult life as many others her age did in those times. When I was in elementary school Mom worked to get her GED, started college, earned a Bachelors Degree and continued on to earn a Masters Degree. My Mom is a very special strong woman and I am so proud to be her daughter. This Bird of Paradise stands sentry at the door of the woman who taught me how to live.
I love you Mom.